Sunday, December 5, 2010
Camp blog continued...Day 2 Woke up at 5 plus in the morning. PT as expected. We just ran, LOL. Quite a lot of people fell out. :( Breakfast after that. It was bread with kaya. Then some of us went up to get our haversacks. (We packed it the day before before going to sleep) It was time for the HIKE~ Mini cheer competition. Loudest 2 groups gets to got first. We got 4th, and went with TOPAZ, forming the collab group, TOBY (sounds like something I would call my pet terrapin, but its actually TOPAZ + RUBY) So we walked and cheered, and cheered and walked. Took a photo halfway. We took an hour and a half to reach Sembawang Park. We rested for a bit,then we played Charades. FUN! For those of you who dunno, its just a cheem term for "I act out something, You guess." Got loads of funny funny scenario, la. Then walked back. This time, the teachers joined in :D We walked together as a corp. Everyone was exhausted so we didn't cheer a lot. Kudos to the Sec 3s who somehow still have loads of energy. I was pooped, LOL, so I just shouted until I became too tired, stopped, and started again. Finally reached school to find out we completed 10KM. So short the distance. I was expecting like 15, haha. Lunched after that. Then WenTing mam said she is giving us a 1 HOUR BREAK. (But we MUST sleep) Suspicious much, usually these breaks come with some dubious motive, haha. I WAS right. about 50 min into the break there was the "BEEP BEEP BEEEEP~" I was the first one in my bunk to hear it and I went "Fire drill? Anyone? Fire drill? Did you guys hear something?" in the end I just went "FIRE DRILL! SAVE THE FLAG! RUN!" Everyone was down in 3 and a half minutes, less than the 5 minutes mams said we had to be down in. Shiok for a while, then the punishments started when we were to slow to go back and take our bottles. And we ran again. Then it was games. We have to do frog jump to the other end of the foyer, turn 5 rounds clockwise and anticlockwise, memorize the wordsearch letters, and do 10 starjumps before frog jumping back. Kept forgetting the letters. At first I could, but I forgot after the star jumps. (We had to count in A, B, Cs and not 1,2,3s.) So had to do many rounds. After we did the wordsearch, we had to present 14 cheers. Dunno why we chose Father Abraham, the cheer so damn long. in the end we were the last to finish cheering. Then it was the memory game. 52 cards were laid jumbled up, we memorise them before they were flipped back and we had to flip them open in numerical order (Ace of spades, 2 of spades...) I think we were quite good but lost because of rounds one and two... Dinner, then bath. Changed into camp tee for campfire. Didn't bath again because the ground floor toilet was locked when I went. It was only after I changed that they opened the washrooms. WTH. Campfire was fun! Everyone performed, including the officers and teachers, be it dancing, singing, or skit. We also did the SJAB wave many times over. Ruby was awesome, duh, because I sang. Hahas. Then the is SNS-G(cup) who danced Gee. LOL. Definately the beast part of camp where everone really enjoyed themselves. Went back to bunk for another bag check, I don't know why. Tekan again. Supper, then sleep................. To be continued.
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