Friday, April 8, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011
You must be happy!

Hahas. I want to die already.
We got second. Yeah, second and nothing else.
Quite Happy!
But can't help but feel we could have done a lot better.
Panicked too much? :x
Oh well its over now.

Then next on my LIST is PROMOTION TEST.
Still don't know what I want to be! OAO
I don't want step up? Do I?
I very stress one okays?
I need a long break from all this.
I want go disneyland see Chip n Dale.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
This is another patronising entry :P

Actually I have nothing to write about.


I have another camp tomorrow.

Comp camp! ;x

Eee....... I prommisssee to write a nice long entry after competition is over.

Saturday, March 5, 2011
I want my two lines back!

They were there when I returned from camp lo.
Ok, they are very slight, but can see!
But they disappeared after i ate a mcspicy and fillet o fish in one sitting.

Saturday, February 26, 2011
OMG! I survived sec 3 camp!
Survived a total of 7-8 hours of kayaking in Johor River!
Survived 3 days of being class AIC!
Survived sleeping in teeny tiny cramped spaces!
Survived the LEECHES! (Actually I didn't encounter any:P)

What I have learnt :
New cheers.
How to pitch tent
How to kayak
Some of the seemingly quiet people are actually full of crap hahas.

My fave was jetty jump. Just run off the jetty and into the water! So shiok! :D

Kayaking was awesome too. Lots of nice nature to see in that 10 km stretch and once in a lifetime experience. But... I was fearing that my bag would get wet the whole time and it gave my peeling unevenly tanned skin. -.-

Campfire was great too. Everyone was so high. Then all the classes had very good performances. Wah, stiff competition for first place. I want it to be longer though!

And our instructors and seniors rock! haha. Stayed with us the whole camp. Thanxxx.

What I don't like is then cramped sleeping spaces. Everytime must be so careful not to thread mud into the tent. T.T Fire drill also. Waking up in the middle of the night and checking that all 44 of your classmates are present in the dark is so not cool -.- Ohya. There were tons of mosquitoes.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Sec 3 camp is 4 days later.

To prepare myself in case I really that 'lucky' enough to get a kiss from a leech, I have done some research... (I know the vendor dude say there are very very few, but there are still some right? Besides, I'm going kayaking :) )

Guess what I found on wikipedia :

One recommended method of removal is using a fingernail or other flat, blunt object to break the seal of the oral sucker at the anterior end (the smaller, thinner end) of the leech, repeating with the posterior end, then flicking the leech away. As the fingernail is pushed along the person's skin against the leech, the suction of the sucker's seal is broken, at which point the leech should detach its jaws.[6][7]

Common but medically inadvisable techniques to remove a leech are to apply a flame, a lit cigarette, salt, soap, or a chemical such as alcohol, vinegar, lemon juice, insect repellent, heat rub, or certain carbonated drinks. These cause the leech to regurgitate its stomach contents into the wound and quickly detach. However, the vomit may carry disease, and thus increase the risk of infection.[6][7][8]

An externally attached leech will detach and fall off on its own when it is satiated on blood, usually in about 20 minutes (but will stay there for as long as it can).[8] Internal attachments, such as nasal passage or vaginal attachments, are more likely to require medical intervention.[9][10]

Oh god I don't want leech vomit or leech snot in me. And I'd rather eat a juicy mutant cockroach then have the leech stick its filthy vagina into my beautiful legs. I shall use the fingernail method, but I'm not going to use my own fingernail, of course.


Friday, February 11, 2011
Dang! Remember when I said I would grow fat after CNY? Well I didn't really change in mass.

But guess what did? My school bag. Tons of homework and tests (7.5 kg to be exact), and my school my as twice as "think as me. Keep hitting people on the squeezy public bus with my severely obese school bag. -.-

Wednesday, February 2, 2011 myspace graphic comments

Hi guys! Happy early CNY! (Its still new years eve in S'pore)

To my chinese friends : Have a great time, hope you get loads of Ang Pows!
To my non-chinese friends: Enjoy you holidays~

For the next few days, I shall stuff my face with new year goodies. (Mainly shrimp rolls) Then I will grow fat. But I will also become rich. A fat and rich girl I will be. Then, I shall go for a run to lose weight. By the time I lose the amount of weight I gained, I would have spent my Ang Pow money. So I shall become a not-so-fat and poor girl once again! Then the cycle would restart the next year, until I get married and cannot collect Angpows anymore. Thats when I will strike off the "Rich" part.

PS: During the long Oct-Dec holidays, we were all complaining about being bored and wanting to get back to school. And now that we are back in school, we treat CNY like some gift from God. Haha. Or is it just the money?


Hi! Let me introduce myself. Above is my big name. I was born on 120896. I now reside in sunny Singapore. Went to Northland Pri before graduating to Yishun Town sec. Member of SJAB :D(;
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