Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hi. You must have seen that I changed my blogskin. If not, dig ur eyes out. This is somewhat simpler than my previous skin. Simple is nice. But kinda emo doncha think? Haha. Dawn copied my Domo, so lets see her pull this skin off.
This is officially WTH week. 1. My grandmother is using a Naruto keychain. WTH 2. I lost my tie and bought a new one for $8. WTH 3. My father got a ridiculous haircut. I told him liao, so don't oh hor... Me. WTH 4. I cannot open the visking tubing during SPA test. WTH 5. If you don't know what is WTH, then... WTH
As the days get longer, my hatred of certain people get stronger. Not mentioning who they are. Simailarly, I starting to hate some people less. Its wrong to hate, but I'm like, seriously pissed off.
Term test is over... Yay. But whether I get promoted to private is a whole other thing. Not scheduled tomorrow. Wear PT kit some more. Could it mean?
Going to change my table deco and portfolio cover. Any suggestions?
Totally random... I got promoted to apprentice in Mousehunt and Dawn has been diagnosed with the tertiary and incurable stage of SOS (senior obsession syndrome). I have STCOS (St John Choir Obsession Syndrome) Yaya has mild SOS. Why did I mention Dawn so many times in this post?