Saturday, July 25, 2009
Hihi. Yours truly just bought a Micheal jackson album (he rocks my soul,man) , and is addicted to boot polishing.

I polish everyday, with no visible results whatsoever. During training, I the many layers of polish I put on my non shiny boots started to flake off. Btw, haves you seen 1/4's boots? Very the bling leh! I wore mismatched socks on Tuesday's NDP training, good thing the seniors did not notice. :)And Friday's training is not considered tough, although there's planty of drill to do. Or am I getting used to it? And I think the seniors are less fierce :). Even so, I still suck at drill. Ps: I used my socks to do last minute polishing and Xin Mei forgot to bring her socks on Fri so she got a new pair. Sock trouble for the whole of last week.

And I finally updated my Twitter account. Yay. My username is monkeyfreak96. k, but I still like facebook a lot better. A lot of strange people follow thousands of people for idunnowhat.

Lots of homeowrk this weekend, including the no feeding monkeys thing. Just thinking about it makes me wanna puke. Maths and science project some more. Very the sian leh... I feel like dying.

Receiving calls from Amir lately. Why? I call back his father answer. I told him the whole thing and he ask me why I din amswer his son's calls. WTH? I have CCA, k? Wadeva lah... Waiting for him to call back now.

Less is heard about me and him. I thank you for you kindness. Help Ting Hui out now lest the guy gets cranky. Thats all. Buh Bye


Hi! Let me introduce myself. Above is my big name. I was born on 120896. I now reside in sunny Singapore. Went to Northland Pri before graduating to Yishun Town sec. Member of SJAB :D(;
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