Saturday, July 18, 2009
Hallo... Since I just started this blog, I have quite a lot to write. After a night's sleep, I forgotten what to write.

Lets not talk about rumours today. The subject is most likely to get cranky. Anyways, I don't care if people hate me becouse of my personality. But I did not start the rumour so its not my fault. You think I like the rumour? Rumours are just a part of secondary school life, so I just live with it. Misguided fools... If you can't live with it, Then you are just going to suffer for the next 4 years, unless one day you decide to drop out, But you will come to realise that you can't. It is against the law. So the only thing is put up with it. Cannot handle? Just go find a teacher you trust, lor. (30% chance of complete success, 30% chance that the rumour will cease to exist and you will be labeled as a dork who always goes crying to the teacher, 40% chance that people will say you like the teacher. I know what I say is not nice, but it happened to a friend of mine.)

Just when I thought the project thing is over, we get another two. One for IAP, the other for maths, sian... Every morning I wake up and feel extremely drowsy and so I told myself that I will return home early to catch 40 winks. But now I realise that this is an impossible dream. (Secondary school life is like a roller coaster!) Speaking of sleep, I peed in bed last night. nobody noticed the dark patched in my pants. Lol?

Oh, and almost the girls in class are all crazy about Boys over Flowers. Yeah... I admit the boys are very handsome and talented but.. You speak a different language, have different customs and the chance of meeting are very slim... The girls are like the fan girls I see in movies... Is there a need to go so crazy? You may get to marry them, but you have to compete with a million fangirls...

Enough today. More next week.


Hi! Let me introduce myself. Above is my big name. I was born on 120896. I now reside in sunny Singapore. Went to Northland Pri before graduating to Yishun Town sec. Member of SJAB :D(;
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