Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I watched Camp Rock 2 a couple of days ago. (There was nothing good on TV)
So I decided to write a review.

Rating: 3.5/10

Camp Rock: The Final Jam is a continuation to its prequel, Camp Rock. Personally, it don't think that it is as good as the original (Not that the original is very good). Mitchie returns to camp to find that a rival camp has opened, and is stealing campers and councillors.

The storyline, I think is very cliche. The movie is too short for anything interesting to happen and it looks like the filming is rushed through. The movie begins, the conflict happens, they try to solve it and before you know it the movie is over. Also, there was a total lack of character development.

To make up for suckish storylines, Disney movies have catchy musical numbers. I think the dances in the are simple but synchronised and appealing. However, the songs have repetitive lyrics (eg. We can't back down), so I get bored of it nearing the end of the song.  Its like the song writer only wrote 5 lines of lyrics and replay them to different melodies.

The characters look different from the prequel, definately more mature, in terms of dress sense and hair. I think that they looked much better in Camp Rock.

The cinematography is quite OK. Not too good, but not bad either. There are no significant or memorable scenes in the movie (eg. "Its so flufffyyyyyy!!!" - Despicable Me)

I feel that its kind of unrealistic, since teens nowadays are no longer goody-two-shoes. There would always be bitching, sabotage, and conflict which I am sure would make the movie a whole lot more interesting.

I think I'm just too old for this, but I'm pretty sure it will appeal to tweens, but not me.


Hi! Let me introduce myself. Above is my big name. I was born on 120896. I now reside in sunny Singapore. Went to Northland Pri before graduating to Yishun Town sec. Member of SJAB :D(;
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