Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Yay... Today is very slack. Its flexi-wednesday!!!! Then Miss Howe was busy so we do group discussion. Then geosmart. Slack as usual Didn't go to computer lab, but its free period:) RECESS! Science is so-so lar, go through paper. Then chinese. Do some Exam prep. Yet, I'm falling apart. Our poor sec 1 express'09 was supposed to achieve a L1b5 of 8/9!!!! Ah.... By sec3 I must excel.
Went to library to eat. Roast Chicken leg!!!!
Then Yuling go buy Old Chang Kee. I sang like mad. Yuling said when I sing I look very Qian4 Bian3 And that my singing sucks. FYI I was in choir back in primary School!
Very interesting... Two boys from my class EACH said one of our SJAB seniors VERY CHIO~ The two seniors happen to be close friends, I think. SJAB people all very chio one. Except for me, who is so tan I got mistaken' For a malay (No offence) during SANA course. And of course, my face is RETARDED and CHUBBY. WTH WTH WTH WTH... 1234567890.